Providing skills, opportunities and hope for women survivors of war in Afghanistan, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and South Sudan.
When war and insecurity take hold, women bear the heaviest burden of violence, poverty and inequality. With 27 armed conflicts happening around the globe right now (source: Global Conflict Tracker), and horrific abuses of women's rights, there is an urgent need to invest in the power of women survivors of war.
Through Women for Women International’s 12-month Stronger Women, Stronger Nations training programme, women learn about their rights and health, as well as vocational and business skills to access livelihoods and make savings. In their groups, they also form support networks to help break the loneliness and isolation caused by conflict.
Since 1993, Women for Women International has supported over 530,000 women in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kosovo, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Nigeria, Rwanda and South Sudan. They also engage men in their work, to break down restrictive gender norms and end harmful practices that prevent women from reaching their full potential.